The return of the loony left in Education.
The Labour run Brighton and Hove council has decided to allocate school places by lottery. I can not think of a worse way to allocate children in education.
The conservatives believe every school should be a good school. Not a lottery.
In Southampton we are seeing the consequences of a failed Labour and Liberal Council on the young today.
Southampton is in the bottom quartile for GCSE’s in the country. This is unacceptable. The class war is still alive within education; the then Labour council in Southampton did not like the concept of specialist status schools which was a way for schools to obtain extra funding. This resulted in the loss of £50,000.00 per school. Later on, when they realised their folly, they belatedly allowed schools to apply for the funding.
The use of education by the left to continue their class war is a disgrace and is at the detriment of the children themselves.
The use of education by the left to continue their class war is a disgrace and is at the detriment of the children themselves.
There is an idea that Schools should not be under the jurisdiction of LEA’s. Politicians should not be interfering, especially with their politically motivated agendas. Schools I believe should be run by the schools themselves. The head teacher and governors should direct the school - thus accountability.
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