Friday, May 04, 2007

Southampton Elections

Well it is all over : the votes have been counted and results are in.

The Conservatives in Southampton had a fantastic result in Southampton last night in the local elections.

A brief summary is as follows: Conservatives +2 (18) 19,022 votesLabour +2 (18) 15,656 votesLib Dem -4 (12) 11,879 votes

I was returned in Sholing which obviously gave me great pleasure. The turnout was up to 37% (I am sure Mr Heath will say that was down to his waste of taxpayers ' money on planes and buses). It seams Matt Stevens was a bit wrong with his predictions, no great surprise there.

Also Alec Samuels was returned , which was great not just for the Conservatives but also Southampton as he is extremely hard working. It also gave me great pleasure that Matt Dean a good friend was elected. Also Linda Norris and Andy Wells' result in Millbrook and Jane’s in Swaything shows the Conservatives are dealing with local issues and helping local people.