Sunday, May 13, 2007

Full Council

We are in an interesting state as to control of Southampton. On Wednesday a new council will be elected. This will be either a Conservative or Labour administration, both have 18 Councillors. The Liberals will have the role of 'King Maker', Labour say that as they will have the mayor he will have a casting vote. Even though the Conservatives won the popular vote.

This raises various questions as they are openly making the position of mayor a political figure which has been a non political role. In previous situations the mayor has voted with the administration (Cllr Parnell a Conservative in 2003 supporting the Labour budget and in 2007 when Cllr Slade Lib Dem supported the Lib Dem administration). In each of these situations it was the office rather than the person. As we do not have an administration to vote for, a political party could bring the role of mayor into disgrace.

At present a convention exists that the mayor rotates among the three political parties but will this continue if one uses what is a non political role for political purposes?

The Liberal Democrats seem to be attempting political suicide similar to Labour in 1983. In Swaything the residents through the ballot box rejected the proposed transit site on the Monks brook site. As this is in the parliamentry seat of Sandra Gidley with a 125 majority I am sure she is looking forward to the proposed site and the ensuring loss of her parliamentary seat.

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