Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Rotten Boroughs

Is the rotten borough back? I ask this question as it was a question that was raised when I was having a meal with a couple of friends. The Great Reform Act of 1832 did away with the concept of people being employed by the local politician, thus depending upon a job by the elected incumbent of the seat. This was an issue at the beginning of the 18th century when local landowners and mill owners could put extreme pressure on people to vote for them.

With Gordon Brown’s expansion of the state and the creation of a bureaucracy that has never the like been seen, so has the rotten borough returned. Will people vote against a party or even an MP that provides jobs through the state mechanism, if other political parties would abolish the jobs?

Thus the creation of rotten boroughs has returned? The Government has created a raft of jobs which has created a dependency on the state. Will a person vote against a government which could result in them being sent their P45? The massive increase in the state which is resulting in the over taxation of the people with the overt diversion of money from the south of England to the north has resulted in a state within a state. This is a dangerous very dangerous situation.

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