Tuesday, July 18, 2006

From Contra Tory


In any liberal democracy, an independent, strong legal profession is allowed to defend fearlessly and robustly those who the State charges with criminal offences. No matter how heinous the offence or how unpopular with public opinion the defendants’ cause, as a matter of course their legal representatives are expected to vigorously test the prosecution case and unflinchingly put their clients’ case.

Arani & Co is a firm of solicitors who represents very unpopular clients. By all accounts, they represent them very well, or at least well enough to make the Police and other elements comprising the State to take umbrage. Now we are told that some of our representatives in the House of Commons have demanded that the Law Society investigate this firm, to establish whether they have acted throughout with the necessary degree of compliance with amongst other things, professional ethics. Of course, it is very important that any profession is policed to ensure that it maintains the very highest standards, but my concern is this. Government, particularly this Labour Government, does not like lawyers (save those who represent its interests, almost invariably against Joe Public.)

It would be a simple matter to make an example of one firm which is unpopular with the public, a signal of intent that the HM Government is not going to have any truck with any other law firm that defends causes that it considers unpopular. Defend who we consider to be indefensible and you will be investigated. The message is all too clear.

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