Thursday, November 22, 2007

25 million the governments latest number

25 million families’ private details exposed to serious risk of fraud. £25 billion of our money propping up a bank they failed to supervise.

There’s one man who should be apologising to us all – the Prime Minister.

cartoon times newspaper

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Will Jacqui survive?

The latest furore over the governments attempt at defending the decision not to publicise the fact that 5,000 illegal immigrants were cleared to work in security, raises the question how long she will survive. Reports say she new about this in July.

Shadow home secretary David Davis said the prime minister had promised a "different type of politics, a more open and honest dialogue" it looks like it is same old Labour, spin and lies.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Queens Speech

If these are the plans that would have loomed large in the Labour manifesto for the November election that never was, then Mr Brown's judgement in ducking that contest - albeit at political cost - is vindicated.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

What today could have been?

Today could have been the start of bright new Britain after the 10years of darkness that has been and is the rule of the Labour Government. It could also have been the shortest term ever that a person has been Prime Minister something which I am sure played heavily on Gordon Brown’s mind.

On September 29th an Ipsos-Mori poll showing the Tories 13% behind, today we are five points ahead. What a turn around it has been. The government was full off swagger going into the Conservative Conference. Now it appears to lurch from one disaster to another.

This could be attributed to the policies that Conservatives revealed at the conference. But I suspect more to the reaction by the government, Browns trip to Iraq looked like electioneering and in bad taste using men and women risking there life as an election prop. Andrew Marr coming out of number 10 and announcing that there would be no election was bizarre.

The following week what I am sure had been planned as a week of announcing policy but what we got was Labour adopting conservative policy which had been dismissed as gimmicks.

The out come has been that the Liberal Democrats removed Ming and are in another leadership election.