Decentralisation of powerThe time is right for England to have its own parliament. Only MPs representing constituencies in England should be allowed to legislate on English matters.
Malcolm Rifkind QC MP has proposed this today. This does not mean that is will speed the breakup of the union but rather strengthen the union. This government has allowed Scottish MP’s to vote purely on English matters this creates resentment and is fundamentally wrong and can not be justified whilst a Scottish parliament sits and makes these decisions on Scotland.
The response by Harriet Harman MP is fundamentally flawed her argument is that people want regional democracy. The people voted on this in the North East and overwhelmingly dismissed this. Power should go back to the town halls in the country we have a far too centralised power structure, this could be simply done. Business rates should stay in the area that they are raised. Regional assembles should be abolished, in South Hampshire local authorities work together exceptionally well regardless of political colour.